Monday, May 07, 2007

Photo A Day - May 4, 5 & 6

Getting behind already...not good! So, catch-up time...

May 4th:
I started out taking some photos of Austin coloring a picture, but then leter in the evening he was on my lap and kept giving me kisses. He is so funny! He grabs both sides of my face with his little hands and pushes really hard to kiss, it's so cute. I grabbed the camera and took some self portraits. I managed to get one good one before the novelty wore off and he found better things to do, lol!
May 5th:
Austin loves to watch cartoons, though he rarely actually sits down and settles in to do it. Usually something will catch his eye while he is playing and he will stop in his tracks and watch for a minute or two. Usually standing perfectly still in the middle of the living room, lol. But, he was in a cranky, tired, just plain rotten mood all day today and actually climbed up on the couch and settled in for a while. I got some great shots, but this was the best one, I love how wide-eyed he is!May 6th:
Austin just loves to get into whatever I am doing, and LOVES to 'help' me with everything. This is becoming a great thing around here, he puts his laundry in the basket and his diapers in the garbage! But, when I am trying to scrap, not so great, lol. Though it is very cute, I have to admit! Today I was looking through buttons to find which ones to put on a layout and Austin got his little hands in there and started laying out the buttons on my page for me. Then he helped me put them all back in the box, lol!! Love this close-up of his handy work.


Anonymous said...

They are GORGEOUS photos Steph and wonderful memories !!!
Littlies feel so grown up and important when they are allowed to help Mummy :)

Cheryl :)

Anonymous said...

These photographs are wonderful, Steph - Austin is so adorable!

shannabeesmommy said...

Steph your it! YOu've been tagged! Go to my blog and see what you have to blog!