Monday, September 10, 2007

The living room is clean!!

Wow, I am impressed with myself! It looks amazing in here! My mom actually said to me the other day, before I was even finished, that it was the cleanest she had ever seen it. A compliment from my mother...that is a HUGE accomplishment, lol!!! And last night Stevie came in and damn near fell over at the site of my SPOTLESS living room! Of course it is not AS clean today, but it is still very clean, and as soon as Austin went to bed I picked up all his toys...good mommy!! LOL! So, don't my word for it, lol, here it is....


And After:

This week we are working on the entryway. Another spot that needs some serious work...let's just get it said and out of the entire apartment needs some serious work!!! LOL! I have not been the gratest housekeeper, but I am going to change that now, it feels so good! I got started in the entryway a little bit already tonight. I had two GIANT bags of clothes that someone had given me a while back and I just tossed them in the entryway closet to be dealt with later...when my own mountain of laundry was washed, lol, 'cause I knew most of it would need washing before anyone was going to be wearing it! So, since I spent the last two days catching up on all my laundry, tonight I hauled those two bags out of the closet and sorted through them all...there is already a load of the stuff in the washing machine, washing as we speak! There is another two garbage bags full of stuff that we don't want/need that I have already told my mom will need to be taken to Good Neighbours for donation. AND there is one load of it waiting in the laundry basket to be washed, some to be given to friends of ours that will use it and some to be given to my mom's work (some ladies dress clothes). And, I still had a blanket and belt belonging to the wonderful friend who stayed here a few months back, flung in that same closet, and it is now in the donation bags...GOOD RIDDENCE!!! Dang this feels good, lol!!

Our first non-cleaning assignment this week is to (a) make freezer goodies (b) make a freezer meal (c) buy nonperishable items needed for holiday dinners or (d) buy new batteries for camera, etc. Well, since I have NO freezer, and I just bought new rechargable batteries before we went on our lttle vacation in July, I am going to have to buy some of the things I need for cooking holiday dinner. Well, there is a second part to this, buy 2 of each thing, one for donation to the Food Bank, but since I am usually a recipient of a food hamper during the holiday this seems a little silly for me to do! LOL! But, I will see what I can buy (or put aside from what I already have in the cupboards, ha!) that I will need for dinner.

And our second non-cleaning assignment, make one of our gifts we have planned to make and share instructions. I'm not sure about this one. I did get some super cute Reminisce patterned paper the other day that has the most adorable little penguins on it!! I was sooooo excited to see that, lol! I really want to make something cute with it for my mom, but I want to really think on it and make it something really cool.

Anyways, I am typing like a mad woman here, trying to get everything out, because blogger has a maintenance scheduled for 11 tonight. It is still over an hour away, but I have realized the last couple days, I get a bit overly paranoid and worried about things, lol! So, I'll be back tomorrow with some of my latest creations and scrappy news (nothing too exciting, lol!)

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