Sunday, April 06, 2008

As promised...

Here is some of the stuff I have been working on the last couple weeks.

First of all, this layout I just did last night using a sketch at Sketchabilities. She is looking for a DT and all ya have to do it create a layout with the first sketch and post it to apply! I love this funky sketch, I had so much fun with it last night!!

And here are some other creations from the last couple weeks...

Friends: This was done with one of the Exclusive sketches we received from Becky Fleck of PageMaps for the Sassy Scrappers crop! I LOVE this sketch! Photos are of Stevie and her friend Nicole.

"Two": This one was done for one of our Grand Opening challenges...this challenge is sponsored by CupCake sure to check them out! Photos are from Austin's second birthday party...I can't believe it is just over a month until he is 3!!!

Grandma: This was done with the other exclusive skech we received from Becky! The photos are my brother and my grandma at his Grad in 2005.

Cards: These two cards were done with the two exclusive card sketches we received from Lucy Chesna at My Sketch World! Some more awesome sketches!! We are so lucky!

Soup's On!: This one I did as a sample for my own journal ON your photo. Based on a sketch by Chris Greiser at Sketch Me If You Can! Digital Kits used: Cinammon Sweetness by RCMama Designs; Kathy Brandt's contribution to the March "MotherEarth" Mega Kit at

And there will be more to come! We have got some awesome challenges happening already at our Grand Opening, it is just amazing! I don't know where to start, but I better start somewhere if I want to get anything done!!

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